Safewhere Identify 5.5-[]

Bug fixes

Identify Runtime

Fixed: SAML 2.0 metadata: the level of assurance (LoA) element was duplicated and the EntityAttributes element had invalid namespace.

Fixed: The level of assurance (LoA) which is set to the "Second factor authentication context method class" setting wasn't included in the SAML 2.0 metadata.

Fixed: Logging out using POST binding failed when its Single log off service POST's location of the SAML 2.0 protocol connection is empty

Identify Admin

Fixed: The session data lost some columns, e.g [EntityId], [SsoContext] after using the Clean up session data feature.

Fixed: The dummy value "http://localhost" was filled to the Location field of the SAML 2.0 protocol connection after saving it even though its value was empty before.

Fixed: The extra Entity Ids are removed after importing the SAML2.0 metadata.

Safewhere Admin

Fixed: The session data lost some columns, e.g [EntityId], [SsoContext] after using the Clean up session data feature.

Fixed: The extra Entity Ids are removed after importing the SAML2.0 metadata.