
Safewhere*ADFS3xLogin provides extra factor to authentication on AD FS 3.0. A OTP (One Time Password) can be sent via SMS or e-mail.

The solution is totally native to the 3.0. That is, it is technically in accordance with AD FS 3.0 best practices so that it does not prevent the AD FS 3.0 solution from adding other adjustments and functionalities to the login flow.

If the user connects from a specific IP address, then the ADFS3xLogin can use this as a second factor, thus no longer requiring an OTP. The module can also control which users are exposed to two-factor login using an AD group.

ADFS3XLogin is highly configurable. In addition to the options listed above, it is, for example, possible to configure and customize the lifespan of an OTP, number of characters that the code consists of, number of attempts allowed and the graphics and text to be displayed.

The solution can support HTTP and Web Services-based hardware gateways, SMS services and SMS directly via GSM modems (Cinterion T35i). Besides this, there is also support for SMTP e-mail.

ADFS3Xlogin provides customization options for AD FS 3.0‘s login pages via themes, logo, illustration pictures.